Antoine Endtz

Best Corporate Lawyer
(Netherlands) 2019
International Advisory Experts
Antoine Endtz is the founder of Nextius Legal. With more than 30 years of lawfirm experience, Antoine has seen it all, without loosing his passion. He is a modern attorney who remains dedicated to his clients on a daily basis. Antoine Endtz is entrepreneur and entrepreneurial.The fact that Antoine Endtz likes to contribute to innovations in law practice is not only visible in his work as a a lawyer but also in his other activities. In addition to various advisory functions in the corporate world, Antoine has spent 8 years as chairman of the French Chamber of Commerce in the Netherlands. Besides running Nextius Legal, Antoine Endtz is also the founder of Mendtz & Co.This foundation provides free of charge legal advice to charitable organizations. Antoine is for example actively involved with the work of the Free a Girl foundation, which is dedicated to freeing young girls from forced prostitution and prosecuting the offenders ( Antoine was awarded in 2018 as Dutch Leading Corporate Law Adviser of the Year by Acquisition International as well as Best Corporate Lawyer (Netherlands) 2019 by International Advisory Experts.
Antoine Endtz follows his ideals, in his work and beyond.